Temper Tantrums

Your one stop internet resource to understand and control temper tantrums.


What is a Temper Tantrum?


A temper tantrum is a behavioral outburst that typically is brought on by feelings of anger or frustration and includes screaming, crying, and flailing of arms and legs. Sometimes a tantrum can include aggressive behavior.  Aggression may be directed toward self (i.e. head banging), others (i.e. trying to hit) or objects (i.e throwing things, kicking furniture).

Tantrums are generally of short duration (30 seconds to two minutes) and are most common in young children, ages one to four years. Approximately 80% of children in this age group have temper tantrums.



Understanding Tantrums

Managing Tantrums

Seeking Medical Help

Caleb’s Tantrum


The video to the left shows a relatively mid tantrum when a child is denied noodles for breakfast.


The child’s attention is  completely focused on what he wants—noodles.


As you watch this video, ask yourself what the child’s mother could have done differently.  Then click here for  the answers.




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